Sunday, November 9, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow

Lynn came to visit this weekend and brought me some pansies to plant in my front yard. Now, anyone who knows me knows that any work that has been done in my yard has not been done by me. She asked me for a trowel; now what would I be doing with a trowel. I gave her a cheese cutter, which worked just as well. Erin and Lynn planted the pansies while I watched. When we got up this morning and went outside we found that several of the plants had been unplanted, which to me just confirms the fact that it is useless to do yard work. The animals are way ahead of us on that one

When we planned this weekend several weeks ago to celebrate both of our birthdays we decided that after the election we would either be celebrating or drinking ourselves into a stupor. We did not have a need to drink ourselves into a stupor.

Lynn and I spent most of Saturday online or reading the cruise book to research things we would see and do on the cruise. Many of the shore excursions sound like a lot of fun. Joanne at the travel agency suggests beginning to book the shore excursions later in the spring. There are so many to choose from and they all sound interesting and fun. One stop - Dubrovnik - is known for wine and oysters and offers a tour that includes not just wine and oysters, but also a scenic drive. Lynn is going to call Joanne and begin her fact finding mission on joining the 70th birthday celebration. I am excited that she is considering joining me.

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